10 December 2016


On the 7th of December, at around 19:26 hours, Facebook showed me its compilation of my Year in Review in regards to Facebook activities.

Naturally I did not share it but I did take a look at what it contains. I am happy to say that it acknowledges my preference in using texts rather than photos. I am fine being the black sheep going the other direction to that of the general mass of white sheeps, thank you very much.

The summary of my reactions throughout the year gave me a pause though.

Reacted 562 times huh? That's an average of about 1.5 reactions per day, hmm... really?

There are so many things on Facebook that I simply do not give reaction to, for example photos of food, selfies, political posts, advertisement, misinformation, blind unfiltered repost, spam...

It's probably easier just to list what I do give reaction to: photos of baby and/or loving family of close friends and relatives; really meaningful posts, phrases, or sentences; close friends and relatives achievements and milestones; and really nice and worthy photos.

Not being someone who toots his own horn, I don't 'like' my own posts. I know many who do that, it's just... nevermind. Self-obsession is not my thing.

And I can never understand those who 'like' someone else's status update when it's about being sick, someone passed away, something sad or heartbreaking, et cetera. That's just so... improper, so wrong.

Oh, I don't openly greet my friend birthday on Facebook, I send private message instead. I am just strange like that.

Anyway, 562 reactions with 476 'likes' huh? I am ashamed of myself! I should be more aloof, give my reaction more sparingly to those who really deserve. =P

Other |temperamental thoughts| category entries.

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