06 May 2015

Random behaviour for May 2015

I did good for my April impromptu resolution. Out of the five times I went to lunch having not-so-economical rice in April since I posted the entry, I managed to have more vegetable than meat all five times. ^_^ feel good +1

6th, 7th, 13th, 14th and 27th of April were the five days I had not-so-economical rice for lunch, which begs the question what did I have for the other days? Hmm...

Anyway, for May 2015, starting after I post this, my impromptu resolution is: no Coke.

Because I can.

Er... can I? This is gonna be a tough one. >_<


江边鸟 said...

suggestion: no coke and no redbull ~ can tahan or not? :p

CK said...

Most probably cannot, with the current workload, I need my caffeine...