31 July 2014

Spare tyre

I have always been skinny. Well, maybe not when I was a baby. 

If my firstborn is any indication, then I probably was like the Michelin guy when I was a baby. =P

Anyway, ever since I shredded my baby fat, I have been thin. I am the kind that people considered 'wasting rice', since no matter how much I eat I still remain like a stick.

I have no idea where the energy goes, probably I just have very high metabolism.

Though not a health maniac, I exercise regularly, so I am generally fit physically. Physically fit but not in the bodybuilding sense. Really not into bodybuilding since I don't find it appealing, in fact, I find all those bulging muscles somewhat unnatural. Just personal opinion, of course, all you huge muscle fellows don't come knocking! =P

My body was probably at its pinnacle form when I was practising karate. Toned muscles and visible six pack, nothing unnaturally huge or bulging, of course! Just lean and toned, think Bruce Lee. ^_^

Anyway, there has not been any major change in my lifestyle, still eating the same, doing the same amount of exercise and all that, but I am starting to get a 'spare tyre' around my waist.

Not sure whether to be happy or sad?

It's like, the first time in my life! But it's not something I should "woohoo!" about, I think...

I guess my metabolism has gone down, age does that.

Oh well, ain't young anymore.

29 July 2014

For Hsiang

Happy birthday, son.

You are seven years old today. Time flies.

As your father, it's my duty to guide you and try my best to make you a better person. Same for mama, who has done a brilliant job thus far bringing both you and didi up.

But ultimately, it's you yourself who decide which path you want to tread, and what kind of person you want to be.

We love you unconditionally, I know you know that. But you are starting to make it hard for us to love you at times. Using our love as a leverage to get what you want is wrong, there is no leeway about it, no excuse, no justification to make that right.

It's just wrong. Period.

"You don't let me do this because you don't love me" is wrong, and it's hurtful. Do not use our love as a leverage, you will not get what you want saying that. Never.

Papa and mama will never yield to your twisted demand, because it's wrong, because it's a form of blackmailing, and we cannot let you think it's alright to do so. It's not something a decent person does. Really, there is no other way to put it, it's wrong.

Despite our best effort, you have attitude problem. Son, you are arrogant.

Yes, you are a smart boy, but no, you do not know everything and no, you are not always right. The world does not revolves around you, nor your whims.

Be humble, and keep an open mind, we should always be learning, always striving to be a better person.

At seven years of age, you have much to learn. Papa and mama still know a lot more compared to you and we are trying to teach you, to guide you to be a better person.

The sooner you understand this, the better, because if you keep thinking you know everything and you are always right, then you are only setting yourself up for failures.

Son, you are our firstborn, we love you. We know you are a decent person, how can you not be? You can be good if you want to, you can make us proud if you want to.

The question is: do you want to?

Papa and mama will try our best to guide you to be a better person, while we still can. You are not making that any easier, in fact, you are giving us a lot of headache and heartache lately.

Son, we can only do so much, changes have to come from self.

27 July 2014

Love life

Life is short

life is fragile

cherish every moment

especially with those who matter

don't overly mind those who do not

for not all are worth our time and effort

Though, be nice to all

and remember to tell your loved ones

how much you care for them

and how much they matter

generously, regularly, sincerely

23 July 2014










“CK has beard and moustache?”


无… 言…



“must be mistress”



真是的,自己没有注意到,别人注意到就非讲成那样不可。 -_-




真的是幸好我文章里不再用他人的原名,不然很快我就没有朋友了… >_<

天马行空 |系列|


22 July 2014



当然也可能是还很瞌睡的缘故啦… =P






唉,那些狼叫声… -_-



心的频道 |系列|

17 July 2014

We have a winner!

It all started with that goodbye kiss on Monday morning, which I was a bit surprised and a bit disappointed that wifey didn't notice that I was freshly clean-shaven.

See, since I was told of my new job role more than a year ago, I have decided to keep my moustache and beard until I am done with that project. A kind of silent protest really, since I dislike that role. =P

I have stuck to that resolution since, with the exception of the two weeks when I was on business trip to The States, that was because I needed to go into a clean room environment, I didn't want the extra hassle of wearing a beard mask.

Didn't mean to shave off the moustache and beard on Monday morning really, I was just trying to manually trim a few stray moustache that the electrical shaver couldn't get rid of. But I accidentally shaved off a bit too much and so I decided to go all the way instead.

Anyway, back to wifey's lack of comment on the absence of my facial hair, when I finally asked her about it later that day, she told me it's because she was angry with the elder son when we kissed goodbye, so she didn't notice.


I decided to find out if any of my colleagues would notice and who would be the first to say something about it.

After four days, we finally have a winner! =P

Surprisingly it's not one of the long time colleagues/friends, or lunch buddies, or badminton buddies, but a fairly new acquaintance.

Real surprise, that.

Anyway, this little venture sure says something about how forgettable or unremarkable I am, hehe.

And I think I will regrow my moustache and beard, let me stick to that resolution!

15 July 2014

Phuket footprints, part deux

I guess my style of travel photography is an acquired taste, probably not appreciated by those who do not share such exquisite taste.

Yes, you can start vomiting now, hahaha! =P

Anyway, here are some photos that have no style whatsoever, these should cater for the common mass. (Yea, I also feel like hitting myself. =P )

McD breakfast before the outbound journey

family selfie while in transit KLIA

Yea, selfie, I know, I am properly ashamed of myself.


this is the master bedroom

view from the balcony

We had a family suite that has two rooms, two bathrooms, a lounge and a balcony. The noisy little monsters need space to cause mayhem.

first night dinner

some drink we bought after lunch the second day

I have no idea what the drink is made from, but it tastes nice. ^_^

swimming pool session, one of the many

haven't a clue what it says

Karon, that's the area of Phuket we spent our holiday

yummy pancrepe

The little monsters being low batt meant our night market stroll was cut short. Like, really really short. Shame really, many things to see and try but the only thing we got that night was the pancrepe.

name of the hotel we stayed in

early morning beach

wifey and the kids, 'seven early eight early' at the beach

It's like seven in the morning or something, so don't be silly, of course I didn't go with them to the beach! =P

I joined them for breakfast when they were done. It was raining most of that third day, so we spent most of the day in the room.

bored little monsters are lethal, so I had to devise a game for them

it's a maze-like game

Think I ended up making like five of the maze game 'maps', kept the elder son occupied. The younger lost interest after failing to complete the second map.

family selfie while we pretended to sleep

Yea, selfie again. I am absolutely ashamed of myself.

The weather eased up in the evening so we ventured out for dinner. Elder son has been telling us he wanted to try the fish eating dead skin thingy we saw all along the shopfronts. So we tried that after dinner.

only he was so scared of it he ended up not doing it -_-

early morning beach again on the fourth day

Needless to say, I did the sensible (to me) thing of sleeping in and joined them at breakfast. =P


the compound was also where the night market was held

now that's an appropriate time for the beach, sunny with blue sky

this photo was taken by Hsiang

since it's our last night there, we picked an expensive looking restaurant for dinner

before we boarded the home-bound plane, little monsters turned zombies!

Don't want to end with that photo so I picked a hastily taken sunset shot on the first day, when I went out alone to get drinking water.

12 July 2014





















“这枝 mic 特别好料” - 用于当你突然唱得很有爆发力的时候。

“我觉得我保养得很好咯” - 用于当你误会了以为几乎差你一轮的小朋友是和你同样年代的时候。

“不用怕,有我在” 和 “你们就是不够大众化咯” - 用于当别人说他们没听过,不熟悉或不会唱某首歌,而你又是歌曲百科全书般的全能歌手的时候。



随兴随想 |系列|

08 July 2014

Pick me up

What's your 'pick me up'?

You know, the thing that you do when you are stressed, feeling sad, feeling bored, having separation anxiety, having a bad or hard time?

You know, the little something to make you feel better?

One effective 'pick me up' for me is a hug.

I would just approach wifey and hug her if she is standing, or request for a hug if she is otherwise in a not so huggable position.

Wifey is so used to it by now, since it happens on a daily basis, and pretty much always multiple times per day. ^_^

Okay, maybe I just like hugging her. =P

It's an instant feel good action, like super medication. 

Filled me with energy after, albeit sometimes just for a short while before I need another hug. =P

First drafted on 11th June 2014. 

05 July 2014

















有感而发 |系列|

02 July 2014

Running Man Withdrawal

Mondays are when I get my weekly dose of Running Man fix.

Running Man = good. I likey, especially when there is Monday Couple moment. ^_^

But for three days now, the site that I have been using to watch Running Man is having issue, and I am starting to suffer withdrawal syndrome.

Like waking up in the middle of the night for no apparent reason.

Like shortness of breath in badminton session.

Like duller than usual wit.

Like unexplainable grumpiness.

Okay, the last one is just normal and has nothing to do with missing my Running Man fix. =P

Think I will start to have involuntary spasms and twitches soon.

Good grief, I hope I won't lose bowel control. =P

I need my Running Man fix. Give! *twitch twitch*