18 March 2014

Grumpier Old Man

Ended work late again today, not a favourable trend lately. Definitely not good on my slacker extraordinaire reputation, and that's about the only reputation I have.

One good thing is that I don't get that setting sun directly in my face all the way home, since it has already set. Oh, and traffic wasn't too bad too, the after work rush was pretty much over by then.

There was a scene waiting for me at home though, drama king and his silliness. A seven years old boy who refused to sleep if his mom wasn't in the room with him, while his younger brother happily kissed mom goodnight and was fast asleep when I got home.

Shame on you, boy, shame on you!

Exhausted, stressed, and aching all over, I simply wasn't in the mood. So I let mother and son settle it themselves in the living room.

Only they didn't, the arguing, bickering, whining and whimpering just got louder over time. They were going no where, just repeating the same thing over and over while increasing the volume at each iteration.

So much for coming back to a cheery and harmonious home. So much for having dinner in peace.

Annoyed and couldn't stand it anymore, I told the drama king to either go to sleep, or to shut his trap, I don't want to hear any sound from him anymore.

He went to sleep soon after.

Honestly, I haven't even put on my "bad cop" cap. Wifey, who usually plays the good cop role, was angry enough as it was. Two bad cops would have been ugly.

I am grumpy enough normally, these few days I am simply grumpier, grouchier, and crankier. Thanks to the poor quality sleep (this full moon affects me more for some reason), plus the stress at work and probably at home too nowadays.

My stress management sucks big time. IBS is back, bollocks. Aching back, aching wrist, and aching ankle don't help.

Just feel like... banging my head on the wall and vomit blood all over really.

Bah! >_<

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