17 April 2012

Dinner with the ladies, part deux

A few weeks back, went out with a group of lady friends for a dinner cum catch-up. Had another tonight. But unlike last time, this time I knew about it well in advance.

Also, instead of four ladies, this time it's five. In case anyone is wondering, yes, it's approved by wifey. =)

It's a dinner cum birthdays celebration this time, just without the birthday cake or birthday song. Okay okay, really just a dinner where we treated the two birthday aunties er... girls.

Ultrasound scans of a dragon boy was passed around, most of us probably couldn't figure out what we were looking at without some explanation. =P Heard the ladies talked about planner's woes, who to and not to work with, and someone who wants it* in the morning, afternoon, and evening. That reminded me about Mr Harimau, hari hari mahu. =P
*work done, in case you have something else in mind...

Five ladies and a guy consumed two 12" pizzas, two 9" pizzas, eight wings, and two jugs of juice. I am stuffed. Again. I am not sure if this is a trend. -_-

I guess I am probably banned from any future invitation now that I have disclosed their consumption prowess. Else I think the next dinner with them will be with six ladies, there will be pizza, and I am gonna get stuffed, again. =P

On a totally unrelated note:

Wifey said she likes my legs, minus the hair, and if hers were like mine she would be wearing short skirt and showing off the legs.

I don't know if I should be proud or what?

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