03 September 2008



So happy for Lily and Melvin!

Congratulations on tying the knot!

I know I am two years too late but hey, I only found out about this today. Mrs Teh just broke the fantastic news today and shared those lovely wedding photos taken a few months back.

There seems to be some delay in her news spreading, hmm...

Well I am sure she has her reason, like not realising she is actually legally married. =P

Oh, and tough luck for those single guys hoping for a chance, the ship has sailed (two years ago no less!), hehehe.

Congrats again, what a joyous news!

Yea, papa is not around

After almost a week away, His Royal Highness King baby Hsiang finally realised his father is not around.

According to my dear wife, Hsiang has finally started looking for me today, and when not finding me, shook his hand indicating no and happily played on.

Me is so... touched...

No Paint, No Game

A great name for the paintball teambuilding event if I said so myself.

Leaves you no delusion of what you are going to get. You are going to get paint (and pain), and a heck of a time gaming!

Event went well after all the hustles and buzzes. I put my money on a team that ended not so hot, though that team did kicked my team's arse.

My team actually became the champion, good teamwork and ruthless aggression I guess, hehehe.

Though the team that I think deserved the champion instead was Team Delta which was one player short of all other teams, which also included a lady who played paintball for the first time.

My hat off to Team Delta, for sportingly gamed on with one member less and won all three matches scoring the highest among the six teams. My team was 2 points behind.

Sorry for yoinking your medals in the bonus final round, I guess we were just a tad more bad arse. =P

One third

It's especially when I am stressed, tired and dispirited that I hope to be with my wife and my baby boy.

To see the reason and motivation I am going through with all that bollocks.

Too bad they are away.

Me sad.

Talking to oneself is the first sign of insanity

me: Mirror mirror on the wall, will I ever be rich and famous?
mirror: Dream on.
me: =\

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