23 June 2008

It's Against the Law to be Fat!

Seriously it is.

In Japan.

If one is between 40 to 70 of age, and has a waistline of more than 33.5 inches, then the Japanese government requires said person to be on diet and get fit, or else one will get a hefty fine.

I kid you not.

I heard this from MyFM on my way to work this morning, and later in the day I read it in newspaper. Go look it up if you don't trust me (why oh why?!?! I am honest and trustworthy and goody goody and...).

This Japanese law doesn't apply to me since I have always been a chi liao bee (waste rice) but if you are er... "big-boned" and like to spend your mature years in Japan, it's time to start losing the spare tyre. =)

Or just go the other extreme and become a sumo wrestler. =P

1 comment:

江边鸟 said...

this will never be applied in our country because it will cause many ministers to pay the fine :)