22 April 2008

Steam Expulsion

The royal highness was throwing his daily night time tantrum and the smarter half dumped him on me while I was trying to do my tax online.

The royal highness proceeded straight to crushed the paper which has my online pin and while I took the paper away he banged energetically on the keyboard. When I moved him away from the computer he went to terrorise the speakers instead.

I ended up bringing him downstairs and walked about.

There is no rest for a father. Not at work, not at home.

Cheap labour at work, slave at home.

Been rather down and depressed lately, was ill and things generally not going very well. The sonic boom from the royal highness and the subsequent raised voice from the smarter half are wearing me thin.

Not that anyone care.

Sorry another ranty entry, just needed to let off some fume.

Promise the next one will be a cute entry, I already have the write-up in mind. I just don't have the time, nor the right mood.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel the same way... Slave 24 hours a day...