24 April 2008

Sleeping Beauty

This is not a wordy wordy entry, it's picture-ful! =)

Behold, king of my family, his royal highness sleeping poses!

new born

pondering while asleep

leg on pillow

leg in between bars

this pose super hard, don't play play!

Are you feeling sleepy yet? =P


Anonymous said...

I wonder which side does the sleeping gene come from, mommy or daddy? Looks like it's getting worse! Pitty your future girlfriend, baby...

Anonymous said...

From mommy!


Anonymous said...

So adorable!!! Like a teddy bear.. :) I like the super hard pose, gotta try it out myself someday!

CK said...

Hahaha Wendy, try it and take a photo so I can post on blog "Wendy's sleeping pose"!


And yes, he is an adorable teddy bear or koala bear, until he starts throwing tantrum, then he is a...

tantrum throwing adorable koala bear!
