08 January 2008

Plastic world

When I was in England, I had no problem getting a credit card, even though I was just a student with no income. I was never charged any interest nor any annual fee, I did pay in full every month though since I don't like to be in debt.

When I finally got a proper job with steady income in Malaysia, my application to the good old world's local bank for a credit card was rejected.


Same bank, I have accounts in both countries, when I had no income I got a card, when I have steady income I don't get a card.

Make sense...?

Perhaps it's a country thing? The Brits are more trusting and have more credits than fellow Malaysians?

Anyway, the world's local bank was promoting their credit card a few weeks earlier in my company and just for the heck of it I applied again since they gave free gift just for applying.

I told them I had just been rejected by their bank recently but somehow that didn't seem to bother them, and lo and behold, I got my credit card today!

Why can't I get it when I applied for it myself without going through the agent? The application forms were identical. The two applications were about a month apart, at most two, did that really make such a big difference? How the heck did my credit turned from no to go in less than two months?

Has to be the agent thingy, the proper network, the right connection. It seems like having the right connection or network is more important than actually having the ability to do something.

This is just sad.

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