21 January 2008

Aching Heart

When you had to rush your 5+ months baby son to the Accident & Emergency department of the nearest hospital in the middle of the night twice within 21 hours...

and you simply could not do anything despite seeing your baby crying his heart out suffering and being miserable...

and that the doctor told you it might be as bad as needing operation in about two months time or else losing the kidney.

It's hard not to be worried and a tad depressed.


Anonymous said...

CK, how's ur baby now? Hope he is doing better and on the road to recovery.. Take care!

CK said...

Hsiang is still hospitalised, mother with him.

Results from blood and urine tests finally completed yesterday. E.coli bacteria identified as the cause of the urinary infection.

Appropriate treatment started yesterday, before that it's just panadol to supress the fever. Five injections, one per day, and 6 weeks of antibiotics.

Only after the infection is cured will the doctor investigate further, which involves inserting something up my boy's penis to check between the kidney and the bladder.

My poor baby.

JenYann said...

Kung, I feel so "sim tia" to see this. You and Ju must stay strong and I will pray for Hsiang to get recover soon...Take care.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about your boy condition. Praying for him a speedy recovery. You do need to take a good care of yourself and be strong.

CK said...

Thanks for all the concerns and caring.

Baby is doing better with the injections, fever is under control now, peaking around 38°C.

Have to wait till he is cured of the urinary tract infection (UTI) before further check up can be done.

As a side note, took another video clip of him today, will probably share it here or on Sharing Corner, bandwidth permitting.

Colleagues who are interested can try to access a share folder on my laptop when I am in the office.

Anonymous said...

dont worry... this is why as parents of a baby, we have to be strong to handle all this .. anyway.... i believe our parent have gone through this when we are baby. Learn from them and face it positively.... the day that ah hsiang hsiang home is very soon liao ..... all the best and take care ....