05 January 2008

CK? Where's CK? (photo version)

For the original boring text version, click here.

In case you are one of those lazy buggers who doesn't like reading wall of texts then this is about the Annual Dinner for four departments in the company I work. I was one of the organising committee members.

The ball room for "Glitz & Glamour Nite"

First impression is everything so we had our pretty committee members at the registration table, signing people in and giving out souvenirs. Set the right atmosphere for the night, you see.

We is cleber! =)

I would man the registration desk if it was a horror themed event.

Committee members at the registration desk

Most colleagues came in dashing attires fitting the night. I wouldn't mind seeing people going to work dressed as such, would sure make the office a vibrant and exciting place!

Gentlemen dressed to impress

Of course, there were colleagues with "interesting" idea of appropriate attire for a ball.

This is going to be THE foot-wear for Hollywood celebrities in the next Oscar

We even had A List celebrity gracing our event, I think...

A List celebrity! Can I have your autograph?

After some cocktails and socialising the night started with the entrance of the emcee, the speech from the organising committee zhar, and the releasing of colourful papers from party poppers by the departmental managers.

Actually we just wanted to add something extra to the food and drinks of those sitting at the centre front row, muahahaha!

Always nice to start with a bang!

Dancers in clothes that show a lot of flesh attractive attires performed a welcoming dance. The dancers performed several dances throughout the night.

These are the DreamGirls wannabe

Buffet style dinner provided ample opportunities for socialising. Shame some preferred to stick to their own group instead of making new acquaintances.


Of course buffet dinner also provided the paparazzi the chances to snap to their heart content.

It's never too much to smile for the camera

The hum sup lou used the buffet time to perform indecent act, I am not going to name and shame but Kok Hoong, your action was caught on camera lar!

18SX, not suitable for children under 18

Some people have it all.

Lucky man! Me jealous nia

Some of the committee members who were ogling at handsome guys and beautiful ladies making sure the event ran smoothly were caught on camera too.

No photo of us ogling! *raise fists*

Committee members were kept busy throughout the night.

There's no rest for the wicked!

Besides dances, there were games, prepared by the committee members as well as the emcee.

Emcee Kishz showing the participants how the game works

I went to the rest room when my partner game master went onto the stage to explain the Treasure Hunt game. I missed the exchange below so I made it up, should be more or less accurate.

He's a hum sup lou and he's proud of it!

*Insert Saving Private Ryan clip here for Treasure Hunt game proceeding*

Some colleagues worked on the Treasure Hunt game pretty much how we expected them to.

Piecing together the last clue

Some took the chance to peep under the skirt table.

Looking for clue, or something...

Mr & Miss Glitter candidates were selected based on attire, the emcee asked them to answer some simple questions and to do a catwalk. The guests then vote their favorite, personally I voted for those who were most sporting.

Mr Glitter candidates

The question for the men was what would he do if he was a woman for a day while the question for the ladies was what does she find sexy in a man.

Miss Glitter candidates

I shall squint more, wear a stylish wig, dress in red, speak like Eistein, and work on my beer belly from now on.


Here are some interesting photos of the men's catwalk, I don't have any clear photos of the ladies' catwalk, sorry guys!

No he is not giving you "the fingers", he's asking you to vote for number 3

Pain and angst can change a man's sexual preference...

Dialogue is faithful to what transpired

We didn't do a body search.

pew pew!

When it came to the Idol game, I went to the restroom on purpose, had a hunch that the emcee was going to pick me since he was poking fun of me the whole night.

Me is smart (or so I thought)

"CK? Where's CK?"

That's what waiting for me when I returned from the restroom.

You is evil Kishz, eviiiiiiiiiil~~!

On the stage I went, cosmetics put on my face and did a catwalk, not the masculine version the Mr Glitter got, but the feminine version. >_<

Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?

While the ladies enjoyed showing their cosmetic prowess, we men had no idea what's happening to our face.

Behold! The smiley man! Not to be confused with the smelly man

The Idol catwalk, while not sexy nor agreeable with the appetite, was laughter inducing.

Pretty woman, walking down the street...

This is the cutest of all the Idols.

Hands down top for cuteness

The winner rightfully went to the Idol who went all out, a killer pose is critical!

Best. Pose. Ever.

If you were hoping to see my catwalk photos you are out of luck, for here's my son's reaction after he saw them.

I sincerely hope he's not traumatised

It was a fun-filled and fantastic night. Laughter aplenty thanks to the emcee (yes I know poking fun of me was part of the merriment). I am sure all who attended enjoyed themselves.


More laughter

Since it's very hard to get a certain person to share her photo I just had to include this one.

Kishz, never-share-photo-Lynn, and Vim =)

And finally, a photo of the 14 souls that put things together.

2007 "Glitz & Glamour Nite" Annual Dinner organising committee

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its took months to prepare for this wonderful function. We all enjoy it.... Good Job and KUDOS to the committee team... especially to MR Hamsloo Tan and Hamsloo Goh....