01 August 2018

Random behaviour for August 2018

Like I said a few days after starting my July's impromptu resolution, the real challenge comes from weathering the ridicules and jibes about wearing the beret.

So predictable, human nature.

Anyway, I soldiered on through the month, I even included the times when I went out in the weekends instead of just to work. So ya, I aced it. feel good +1

This month's impromptu resolution is really an impromptu idea. I was actually contemplating another idea about doing something about my rising nastiness when it just popped into my mind and I decided this is it there and then.

Before I write about the resolution this month, let me just touch on that nastiness thing a bit. I am not bad, I am just evil. I am offended if you say I am bad, and I thank you for calling me evil. I am just like that.

But being nasty doesn't sit well with me. I am evil, but I am not nasty. Or I should say, I don't want to be nasty, so I gotta do something about that unhealthy trend.

Probably next month's resolution...

So, for August 2018, starting tomorrow even though I did it today as well, my impromptu resolution is: every working day, share in WhatsApp group an interesting thing (or more) regarding member of that group that I observed or learned in that day.

Because I can.

Other |flickering fling| category entries.


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