09 February 2011

Let's be Superheroes!

Another game fell under my radar rather unexpectedly, and I have been playing it since the abysmal download.

It's a superhero themed MMORPG called Champions Online, and since end of January, it's free to play!

I have only played three sessions so far, and I am liking it. The first impression of the game is "pleasantly surprised".

default graphic has a comic book's feel, due to outline

I am no stranger to MMORPG, World of Warcraft being my latest, on and off since it's launch in Europe.

Currently, I have no time for WoW, for it's a rather involving game. Hence I find Champions Online, a "MMORPG-lite" in comparison, a welcome alternative.

The game is almost item independent, damage output does not depend on whether or not you have that Super Duper Sword of Obliteration, and your defence is not governed by whether you are wearing bikini or metal power suit. If fact, you won't find any weapons or armour in the game. ^_^

I said almost item independent, because there are these things called "upgrades" that can enhance your stats (called characteristics in the game).

I turned off the outline in the video settings, preferred this graphic

Those who subscribed (gold members) to Champions Online has a lot more customisation options as well as can build their hero anyway they like. The free, or silver members can only choose from preset hero builds. A silver member can pay for some of the stuff the gold members get, though I think the 'build hero as you like' is strictly a gold membership thing.

Preset hero builds suit me just fine, for now at least. I don't really want to go read up and figure out all the power-sets, which power builder to choose, when to get what power, talents, et cetera. Have those selected for me and let me just jump into the game and start smashing bad guys, booyah!

I did spent about an hour just to customise my character's look though. One has gotta look awesome while saving the world, hehehe... =P

yes, my character is hot and looks awesome, now stop staring! =P

Give it a try, it's free after all.

yes, I can fly

Now you will have to excuse me, I am going to do some superhero deeds and smash some bad guys, booyah! ^_^

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