2024 was to me, a year of survival and hanging on. 2024 started with the tail end of my second Covid-19 infection, my lung capacity is never the same after that. A quiet Chinese New Year as a show of respect to mommi. Adjusting to life without mommi, and remembering her in piecemeal moments.
2024 was full of tiredness, primarily the weariness of the mind, the heart, the emotion. Less than ideal sanctuary, often lacking in warmth, peace and harmony. Ever-present dust, dirt, grime, cobwebs. Frequent unfulfillment, discontentment, disappointment. Often felt like struggling alone. Exist to provide, give, sacrifice. Drained.
Anyway, here are the 2024 numbers:
125 blog entries. 11 entries per month except November, this is the 17th consecutive year I have done so. Truth is, the notion of breaking this number has popped up in my mind more than once this year, but somehow I still wrote those 11 entries every month...
43 days of commute to work recorded, which covered 1933.4 kilometres, giving an average of 45 kilometres per day.
8 petrol filling recorded. My six years old Civic is doing an average of 10.8 kilometre per litre of petrol. A significant drop of 2km/l from last year's average. Sign of deteriorated engine performance? =(
23 days of leave taken, of which there were 8 half-day leave and 19 full day leave. 3 days less compared to last year. =(
126 days of worked till overtime-worthy late. 1 day more than last year because I missed a day with the record in my mobile phone, of which I use as live tracking. So despite consciously stopping myself from working any more overtime once I reached 125 as shown in my phone's record, I had in reality already worked one day more when compared to the detail record in Excel. Clocked a total of 324 hours and 26 minutes, and the average overtime duration is 2 hours 34 minutes and 30 seconds. So even though I worked overtime 1 day more compared to last year, on average the overtime duration per day is 6 minutes less than last year's, that is good. Still, I need to get the overtime count to be a lot less.
Putting the overtime count into perspective: 52 weeks of 5 working days = 260 working days. Take away 17 public and replacement holidays, and take away 23 days of leave I had 220 working days. Out of the 220 days I worked overtime 126 days, that's 57.3%. Urgh... =(
0 days on business trip. =)
5 online tabletop gaming sessions held. Lackluster interest, guess it's just very low on others' priority list. We played 3 board games this year, one of which is a new game.
21 novels read, 18 new books and 3 reread. Managed to read one more book compared to last year, hehe. Average of 17.4 days for a book, slow. =/
0 patent filing. Failed. =(
47, 20, 17, 15, 4+1, 0 for my own reference.
Happy New Year dear blog viewer, wish you a wonderful 2025.
Other |hyped up heads up| category entries.