After working overtime yesterday night until after midnight this morning, my overtime count has reached the same count as last year's.
Meaning I will definitely not have improved, as in, won't have successfully reduced the overtime count this year. That is one annual goal missed. =(
I still have a chance of being the same as last year, no improvement, but no degradation as well, provided I do not work any more overtime in the remaining of the year.
Slightly less than two weeks to go, but trust me when I say this is going to be tough.
Failed to reduce the overtime count, can at least maintain it and not make it an even bigger failure by exceeding the count.
So for the love of all things good and balanced, hold the line! Hold the horses! Hold and do not work any more overtime!
Stay strong, myself, do not give in to unrealistic demands, the pesky sense of responsibility, and the perfectionist within.
Just hold and don't work overtime for two weeks.
Other |wretched workaholic| category entries.
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