10 March 2018


Punctuality, a quality that is lacking in many people in my country, a real shame.

There are a few other attributes that are usually associated with people who is regularly not punctual, first of them is of course irresponsibility.

A responsible person will ensure he or she arrives at or before the predetermined time, as a responsible person takes account of his or her own actions.

Only a disrespectful, selfish and inconsiderate person will routinely disregard the others' time wasted waiting for him or her, as if the time of those waiting for him or her is not as precious as his or hers. That, of course, is also a sign of arrogance.

Tardiness also shows a lack of discipline, and a lack of organisational skill, incapable of planning and sticking to the plan.

Sadly, way too many of my countrymen are like this, and instead of putting in the effort to change to a better person, they rather just find lame excuses and stay the same.

How are we as a whole ever going to improve then?

A country with first world infrastructures, but with people of a third world attitude.

What a shame!

Other |runaway rants| category entries.

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