Last week I posted a Mandarin entry about my attitude towards work.
It's one of the entries I felt like linking to in my Facebook account (no, I don't link all my entries in Facebook), it got some responses and comments, but what surprised me most was that I got a reaction from my Indian colleague.
Turns out that he used Google Translate to view my Mandarin entry, and I was curious enough to try it out to see just how well my entry got translated.
Well... close but no cookie. It misses some marks and got one completely opposite of what I wrote.
Since Chinese and English have different structure, it's probably not wise to translate verbatim. At least I won't write the same entry in the same structure if I were to write it in English.
Anyway, below's what I got from Google Translate and my corrections to make it reflects my original meaning.
Other |temperamental thoughts| category entries.