09 March 2012

A good day

My short holiday started yesterday. Needed a break from work, and to think about career path.

The break didn't start out too well though, sprained my ankle just the day before and the family shopping plan became a hospital trip for the younger son, who subsequently vomited in the car on the way back from hospital.

And it rained like no tomorrow. =\

Today's better, ankle is less painful, sun's shining. Got the family grocery shopping done, and we went to the beach in the evening. Family outing, yay!

The kids had fun. I dug a couple holes so the sea water got pooled, the kids liked that. Collected seashells while watching out to make sure the older son didn't run straight into the sea in his excitement.

The younger one stayed with wifey at a safe distance from the sea, contented to build sand castles decorated with seashells. The seashells that I collected and threw near to him, which initially he looked up thinking they just dropped from the sky.

Heh, it's raining seashells! =P

Three couples were there taking their wedding photo. Business related to wedding and marriage is never going to be out of demand, hmm...

Had dinner before we came home, very nice western food, reasonably priced.

The older son was totally knackered, but it has been a good day. =)


江边鸟 said...

make it a weekly family day bah ~

CK said...

Got heart, no energy.