26 September 2011

Amy and I

Business trip to The States did not turn out as expected.

home away from home
In short, the technical writer failed big time causing much frustration and disappointment. The main puspose of this trip would not have been achieved if we did not decided to just cut that person off as a lost cause and take things into our own hands.

this is the room that I had spent 12 nights in
Basically we were supposed to get material from said person, but since all we got was half-arsed unfinished rubbish full of mistakes, we simply threw it away after our unfruitful attempts to fix it. Attempts to fix that garbage failed thanks to the same person who simply insisted on being thick and sloppy.
bed is very soft, not too good since I had back ache the first few days
We started from scratch and compiled our own material and got it done before we left, wanting to have no part whatsoever with the technical writer ever again.
these helped me to fight the jet lag
So that's that.

Well, work stuff aside, this trip did allow me to make a few acquaintances. In particular, I got to meet Amy.

Amy is easy going, easy to interact with, pretty cool and nifty. Somehow I forgot to mention Amy to wifey despite the many phone conversations while I was in The States, hmm...

I don't think she will mind, anyway, let's meet Amy.

My rented Nissan Altima

Amy! (registration plate)

Amy is easy to handle and I like the no key access a lot, I just put the car key in my pocket so the car can sense it and everything else I just press buttons. ^_^

just have to press that button on the door to open and lock the car

button to start and stop the engine

Not having to fumble with car key is really nice. =)

Brief as it was, I enjoyed the time with Amy. =P



HoneyBee said...

Amy? Why Amy?

HoneyBee said...

Oh... OK, missed that part. Found the reason already...