24 September 2010

Crunch Time

Recovered from the flu/cold/slight fever that prompted the previous entry in a record two days, usually it took me longer (yea I know, weak, fragile old man). I think it's due to all those vitamin C tablets I consumed.

After the flu I had my first ever gastritis that rendered me immobile, curled in pain on my bed. I am no doctor, but I am guessing it's due to the citric acid from all those vitamin C tablets I consumed... Good thing my mom has some Chinese medicines at home, still I had a delicate stomach for three days hence.

Then the workload skyrocketed. Today's the first time I turned on my home computer since the weekend, had been working till the wee hours everyday after dinner these few days. So the hostile takeover of the Wednesday badminton session wasn't such a bad thing after all, I left the office about the same time as we usually end our session anyway.

Really bad timing for so many things to happen at the same time period. So much to do, so little time.

It's either bad timing, or simply because I am such a slow person. The price of working in snail speed (but very thorough!) is the sacrifice of my sleep.

And health, humour, blogging desire...

Alrighty, back to work!

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