20 December 2009

Not a Movie

Male teacher female student fell in love, overcame age gap, prejudice, obstacles, and finally got married and live happily ever after.

Sounds like the storyline for a romance movie, isn't it?

Except I have just attended a high school friend's wedding and this is exactly their story.

Well, actually I only know they are teacher and student relationship before they become lovers. Their age difference is 8 years.

The prejudice ah, obstacles ah, I made those up. I have no idea what they have been through from teacher and student relationship to husband and wife, and no, I am not busy body enough to want to find out. =P

It was a pleasant evening, good food, nice company. Always nice to meet with old friends. It's a sad fact that it's usually in occasion such as wedding that there would be a gathering of old friends, everyone is busy with their own lives.

Anyway, congratulations to Lean Eng and Siaw Lee, may you live happily ever after! =)

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