10 August 2009

You are really rich

This is shamelessly plagiarised from here. Just too good and can't bear not sharing.

In a nutshell it's a survey done by and on the Britons, according to Steve Henry's book 'You Are Really Rich: You Just Don't Know It Yet' that says positive thoughts make for positive people, and thinking about what makes you happy, makes you a happier person.

Here are what the Britons consider the top twenty happy things and what they are worth. Go on, see how rich you are!

1. Having good health: GBP180,589
Er... I am not very healthy, so guess no cha-ching for me here on this one.

2. Being told 'I love you': GBP164,921
Everybody loves His Royal Highness King Toddler Hsiang nowadays and nobody loves me, meh! =(

3. Being in a stable relationship: GBP154,849
*Cha-ching*! Woohoo! Me love wifey. =)

4. Living in a peaceful and safe country: GBP129,448
Bleh! Boleh-Land is not safe. In fact, a while ago read somewhere that KL was ranked pretty high in the most dangerous cities in the world. Shame, shame, SHAME! =\

5. Having children: GBP123,592
*Cha-ching*! Only the children will spend this GBP123,592 and more, like 1000x more...

6. Spending time with your family: GBP110,047
*Cha-ching*! Been starting to bring His Royal Highness King Toddler Hsiang to swim at least once weekly, among other things.

7. Laughing: GBP108,021
*Cha-ching*! Think I laugh often enough.

8. Having sex: GBP105,210
Er... this is personal, so not going to comment on this one.

9. Going on holiday: GBP91,759
Me is so not getting this. =(

10. Being somewhere peaceful and quiet: GBP89,828
There is no peace for the wicked. =(

11. A sunny day: GBP89,625
Too bad obstructed by the haze from our neighbour. =\

12. Being in the countryside: GBP88,077
I am in concrete garden... =(

13. Having time to yourself: GBP80,558
Sad, just SAD.

14. Reflecting on happy memories: GBP80,419
I am going to go ahead and cash in on this one, *cha-ching*!

15. Having a pet: GBP78,640
Guess the numerous bugs and pests do not count, siu keong~~~

16. Being in 'the great outdoors': GBP74,310
See number 12. =\

17. Recognised as being good at your job: GBP70,676
Hmm... not sure about this one. Cannot toot my own horn since I am a humble person...

18. Doing your favourite hobby: GBP70,041
Sleep! Too bad, sleep not enough. =(

19. Listening to music: GBP68,823
Again, going to cash in on this one even though not frequently lately, *cha-ching*!

20. Blue skies: GBP65,397
Haze-filled, count? =(

I am not doing very well, only cashed in on 7 out of the 20. =( I totalled to GBP750,961, that's in pound sterling so according to the exchange rate today of 5.8, my total is RM4,355,573.8.

Woot, I am a millionaire! =P If only this was real money and not some virtual wealth.

Go on, tell me how rich you virtually are. =)


munytang said...

it's the inner wealth that counts... (yes, i keep on telling myself that every single day) bah!

CK said...

I try to fool, I mean, convince myself that too.

If only the inner wealth is going to pay the bills...