25 May 2008

Happy Birthday Bowling Queen!

I have hesitation in posting this entry (read notes at the end for details) but decided that in the spirit of Great Place to Work I shall risk tarnishing my non-existent goody Mr Nice reputation further, just to share this recent birthday celebration that happened in the office.

A lady colleague turned the wonderful age of 27 21 a few days ago. In celebration of such joyous occasion her generous colleagues had banded together to shower her with presents.

A LCD monitor, a telephone, a head set, a keyboard, a docking station, an ergonomic chair, a jacket, a white board, and even a packet of sour plum powder!

All wrapped nicely (in newspaper) a day before the birthday.

Taking the day off a day prior to your birthday is not a good idea

By the way, the items were conveniently available in the cubicle already, Santa Claus must have been awarding the well-behaved colleagues earlier this year.

That's the sour plum powder, oh, and some expired coffee powder

Tagged on the monitor was a birthday wish signed by the colleagues, also served as a note to say "Ha ha!".


Nothing says cheap sincerity better than a home made greeting card

I didn't know how the birthday girl reacted when she came in on her birthday. By the time I got to her cubicle all the "presents" were already unwrapped.

A half-sphere cake was bought after going round the island looking for one that resembles a bowling ball.

Why bowling ball?

Well... the birthday girl is a dedicated bowling player with bowling gloves and all that, don't play play! This "fact" is unknown to most people (probably includes the birthday girl herself).

If you look closely, you can see three bowling ball holes

Colleagues and friends gathered around her cubicle and sang her the birthday song, so energetic and involved we were in singing that the song turned out rather like a funeral song...

Da birthday gal, Lay Ling "Bowling Queen" NG

Hope you enjoyed your birthday, Lay Ling!

It is most disheartening that colleagues are automatically associating me with any pranks that happened in the office, despite me being a victim. There are photographic proofs of the REAL pranksters in action in that entry leh!

While I play the role of the messenger since I like to share and I write blog, that doesn't mean I am in any way involved in the prank lar.

I am veli the nice one!

*innocent look*

Unless you have photographic proof* of me in action in any prank that I might or might not have been involved, I deny all charges! =P

* I reject all your photographic proofs since I am sure they are all faked using Photoshop. =P

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