23 December 2008

One Third (Dec 08)

If you have been following this blog faithfully (*gasp* da horror!) and being observant, you would notice that this entry was posted earlier than usual for a working weekday's. Which means I have free time straight after work, which means...

Yea, I am being "one-thirded" again.

Again if you have been following this blog (seriously, are you insane?), you would know what that means.

Since most sane people only stumbled upon this blog by chance or being fooled into reading by my shameless and relentless spams, I shall be courteous and explain that being one-thirded simply means my wifey and His Royal Highness King Baby Hsiang are away.

You see, they are part of me, so when they are away, I am incomplete, missing two thirds of myself.

Clear like mud isn't it? =P

Being one-thirded is bad for health.

The feeling of emptiness and seperation, of something's missing, of strangely lonely even when among crowds... these are just a few of the emotional impacts.

As for physical, well, I am not getting my daily dose of exercise, like jogging (chasing after Hsiang), weight lifting (carrying Hsiang around), endurance training (carrying Hsiang on shoulder or piggy-back), et cetera.

SERIOUSLY bad for health!

You know, it's just... weird saying a prayer every night without kissing my baby and my wife goodnight.

Kindly excuse me if you found me looking hollow, blank, dazed, and/or lost these few days.


Anonymous said...

CK, this is the moment when a lonely snail make the wrong move..... bcos another lonely snail is attracting by the message! :P

Anonymous said...

You will be whole again after 24 hours.

CK said...
