21 November 2008

Day In Day Out

12 November: tainted white sheet

When the phone rang twice while I was showering early this morning, I knew something was wrong...

I ended up having to take an emergency leave, spent the whole morning in the police station, being fined RM300, and in the company of three displeased vehicle owners all wanting me to sort out their respective damage.

My poor MyVi was so damaged it had to be towed to the workshop, and my spotless driving record is forever tainted.

Okay lar I got a parking ticket once lar. But that was because of a certain Ipoh police desperate to meet his monthly quota of tickets issued, who stood by the coin operated parking meter and issued me a saman as soon as the credit finished.

I swear I was at most 3 minutes late!


Anyway, my clean driving record is now marred. =(

And you know what?

It's not my fault at all, I just took all the blames and hits nia.

Mommi, I still love you all the same. Next time hor, do consider my offer of driving you around, can ah?

Pretty pretty please with sugar on top?


13 November: kena shit

While I was busy settling stuff yesterday, an urgent task silently slipped in.

Need to get a model done by next week.

If it wasn't requested by a colleague that I like to keep a good working relationship with, I would have answered with my usual: "please go through my boss".

Put all other tasks on hold and focused on this urgent but not important (to me) job. I am not practising my 7 habits. =\

Well, at least I am depositing in the EBA.


14 November: boh eng lar

Kena shit liao mar si have to do extra work lor.


15 November: "yes milord"

Slaving to fulfill His Royal Highness King Baby Hsiang's whims.


16 November: work/life not balance

Had to work on a Sunday to get the urgent task completed.




17 November: hello penguin, nice to meet you

Company sent me to attend a technical symposium to listen to presentations and to eat free food.

Gain knowledge and weight. Also got to see Nelson walking like a penguin after his half marathon.

After that had to go back to office to finish the urgent task, once decided to do something I simply have to put in my best. Couldn't get passed the perfectionist within, boh bian.

So mar worked late lor.


18 November: chain reaction

So difficult to just hand in a job and be done with it. Often there would be some follow up requests.

No exception this time.

Good thing it's a relatively straight forward follow up and I skillfully handed over to another colleague since it's out of my area of expertise.

My "tai chi" is strong! =P


19 November: e-dee-ert

Refreshed my laptop today, finally got myself a new laptop instead of some waterfalled third-hand laptop full of grime and dubious stains.

Thing is, stupid HP thinks it's smart to set 1900x1200 as the native resolution on a laptop screen, forcing you to either set lower resolution with blurred texts or high resolution with tiny texts.



20 November: let the slack begins!

After working late for the past few days, I could finally breathe easier at the conclusion of my agenda in the 07:00 hours meeting.

Time to catch up on keeping my slacker extraordinaire reputation! =)


21 November: I failed

I want to record this to remind myself to always put the important things in life first.

I forgot it's my wedding anniversary today until I heard the voice message left by my wife.

I failed as a husband I want myself to be.

Guilty and ashamed.


There will only be four entries this month, and this is the third.


munytang said...

happy anniversary u 2. Did I miss Ju's birthday? Please wish her happy belated b'day for me will ya? :) take care take care.

江边鸟 said...

There must be something in your mind so you've forgotten your anniversary :)

CK, let go of your work la while u back at home ~

CK said...

MunY, Ju's b'day coming up in a few days.

Can't help you unless you want to send her belated wish for last year. =P


Nelson, still spreading rumour huh? Karen said while we take it as a joke, have to be careful not to impact the other party, not sure how sensitive they are.

Later I kena phek yao then veli the buta! =P

江边鸟 said...

Aiks... yun wang ar ~ not spreading rumour la... just want you let of your work nia wor...

Don't think too much :)