09 December 2008

"Job Security"

I am a thermal engineer, that means I am very hot as well as super cool the person who checks if things are going to burn, melt, or go *kaboom*!

I have spent the last few months doing some modelling (the numerical simulation type, not the cat walk or posing type) to assess the thermal solution options we are exploring for a project.

There are a number of options and for each options, there are variables and uncertainties that I enveloped with some realistic limits based on my extensive engineering experience - copyright of Master Yes Man gut feeling.

The total number of cat walks modelling cases I have run is around 80, give or take.

Just as I was going to post-process the last few cases today, I was told there is a change in one of the critical component.

"Just take off an additional 0.5 mm all round."

That may seem like a small change but for the project I am working on, it reduces the heat transfer surface area to less than 60% coverage.

Trust me, it's significant.

And yea, I have to rerun all the cases, even if I cut corners er... "selective enveloping", I still have to do around 50 cases.

Job security? Yay?!?!



BTM said...

hoho ~ don't be engineer anymore, you can consider working as a part-time painter, draw pictures for kids :)

江边鸟 said...

ops ~ using wrong log in name to leave comment pulak ~ careless me :p

CrystalCollagen said...

I like to cartoon snail....very cool....