26 June 2022

Potato mode on!

My annual leave is some decimal point away from the 40 days limit by the end of May, so by the end of June the +1.67 days will get it over the limit and all the excess will burn.

Figured that instead of taking one or two days off every month to keep it just under the limit, I might as well take a week off and then don't have to worry about leave going over the limit and burn for a quarter.

So that's what I did, I am off for a week, yippie!

Technically my leave should have begun by the end of Friday workday, but as usual as soon as I sent out my out of office notice I got a call requesting thermal assessment for a project proposal. As if it cannot wait a week...

Oh well, so I have been working overtime in the weekend, both yesterday and today. Just set the second version of the model to run and will check it tonight, hopefully it has completed solving by then.

Regardless of what the results are this time round, I don't intend to work on it anymore until after my leave.

That's the plan at least, and that's what I told the managers.

So potato mode is officially on! Please do not disturb if it's anything work related. =)

Other |hyped up heads up| category entries.

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