30 March 2008

One Year

It's been a year since we came back from England, give or take a couple of days.

Hsiang is eight months old now. Crawling everywhere if we let him, has six teeth with the latest two coming out on the upper jaw (thought it's two bottom, two top, two bottom, in that order. Apparently not), and can shout real loud.

Work wise, well, hasn't lost the job yet so I guess I am coping. Do feel that I had a steep start instead of a gentle ramping, I guess being dumped into a job where it's already a quarter behind won't give me the luxury of a gentle ramp.

But I shouldn't complained, I am sure there are others in worse situations. I shall just think so so I feel better. Positive thinking. =)

PhD wise, supervisor no longer responds to my e-mail, I guess I cannot blame him, I must have been a headache for him. But still, I would like a closure to the research. Mayhap it's time to call him.

Health wise, hmm... Lost some weight lately, work load has been a tad heavy and sleep quality has been compromised. Oh, pretty much gave up on the half marathon, training had stopped since Hsiang being hospitalised for UTI and then the work load ramped up. My motivation is too weak to overcome the fatigue I feel after work. And yea, I am a lazy bum.

Archery wise, always in the thought but not in action.

Yes yes, I am a lazy bum.

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