03 May 2018


I am easily stressed, I know.

I also know that I don't cope with stress very well.

Work, mommi's condition, then the review of my financial situation, and lately the deteriorating behaviour of the two little monsters, all these are stressing me out.

Big time.

My sleep quality worsened, I am a light sleeper to begin with. For those days I cared to check the clock, I woke up every two hours starting around 03:00 hours.

The low quality of sleep is in turn another stressor, so I am stuck in a vicious cycle.

Stress does things to our mind and body.

Bad things.

Anyway, I remember the last dream I had this morning, and it's that dream that prompted me to write this entry, and the word 'fuzzle' just popped into my head.

Dream doesn't always make sense, so here goes...

I was walking somewhere, in a rush, someone approached asking for donation. Or at least I perceived so initially.

I waved no, but she said thanks and moved to put some money in the donation box she held instead.

I looked up, and noticed it's a lady dressed like a nun, and somehow I suddenly understood that she was actually offering me the money, and when I rejected it, she was going to put that money in the donation box instead.

That realisation happened as I was walking pass her, and I guess I bumped into her elbow, for she dropped a huge wad of cash.

I stopped, apologised, and squatted down to help her retrieve the money.

Somehow I was having a difficult time gathering the money, my fingers were clumsy and the money slippery, and it's then I realised that there were currencies from different countries.

And there were cut out of envelopes with stamps attached. As soon as I started wondering about why there were stamps, I woke up.

I can probably associate with the donation, the different currencies, but the stamps?

Only thing I can think of is that I was clearing out some old documents and letters and tore out the stamps for elder son in the weekend.

Why do I dreamed of it though? Hmm...

Other |temperamental thoughts| category entries.

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