23 May 2017

Easy colleagues, difficult colleagues

Colleagues come in all sizes and shapes, aptitudes and attitudes.

With the myriad of personalities each having their own ideology, it's inevitable to encounter colleagues who are easy to work with, and those who are less so.

I am the kind who prefers to work independently, with minimal interaction or reliance on others. It's a lot easier to control the quality of work this way.

Unfortunately life is never easy and cherry, and I am not omnipotent almighty. In fact, very far from it...

So while I have many nice, friendly, helpful colleagues, I also have my fair share of the less savory ones. Sometimes a same colleague fit both ends of the scale, depending on the mood, issue, caffeine level, time of the day, bullheadedness, what's at stake, personal agenda, et cetera, at that particular moment, for both parties.

Generally I have a decent size tolerance, and lucky enough not to encounter many colleagues who I simply cannot work with. But there are shitty days when my patience got worn thin and my mood so befouled that I have to walk away from colleagues who I normally can endure.

Days like that I just cannot stand the self-centred, the incompetent, the know-it-all, the holier-than-thou, the ones who think the world revolves around them, the ignorant, the foolish, the smart-arsed, the presumptuous, the lazy bugger, the rumourmonger, the ones who put words in my mouth, the ones who take me for granted, and all the unpleasant and nastiness that I have otherwise missed.

Bollocks to them all!

I guess I am real difficult to work with then. Figures.

This entry was written on 21st of December 2016, but withheld from posting until now.

Other |temperamental thoughts| category entries.

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