31 January 2016

Upgrading evilness

End of the first month of 2016.

Still coughing. Bollocks.

I have realised that an annual list of resolutions almost always end up in failure for me, hence I am tricking myself into a monthly resolution thingy, which seems to have better success rate.

That said, I do have a generic resolution kind of thing going for this year.

In nicer words it's about prioritising my health, both physical and psychological, i.e. mental wellness, happiness, etc., above work; it's about giving time and caring only to those deserving; it's about a careful management of my self-generated energy (introvert); it's about caring even less about what the others said and/or do that is not of my interest, including ignoring all the rumours targeted at me.

In reality all these will probably be perceived as: slack, selfish, anti-social, aloof, take first then only give, and well, evil.

So be it.

So instead of reaching out to just anyone with friendly gesture, I will reserve it to those who are deserving of my energy and time. I don't want to be the initiator anymore, but reciprocator. Prove yourself worthy first, before I will let you into my inner circle reserved for deserving people.

I am going to prioritise things that are conducive to my health and well-being. So yea, the work can wait while I have my lunch first, and yea I will continue tomorrow or later as it's my scheduled exercise or recreation time now, thank you very much.

Had a soulmate once, at least I think I had. Too bad it's gone now. That would have been good for my soul. Someone to talk about just anything and everything, without pretence, without reserve. Someone who reciprocates the need to share.

Oh well, don't get too carried away now.

In short, I see this as a self upgrade for a better life, but to the others it probably means I am eviler than I already am.



26 January 2016



我的同事朋友中,有好几位是很… 奇怪的。



她又追问一句:“我比基尼线还在呢,你要不要看?” 还做状要露肩膀。




这小妞结婚过后更加奇怪了,怎么会要秀人比基尼线的? 我在即时通讯群中投诉。





之后另一位同事朋友发讯说比基尼线就免了,要秀就秀事业线。呃… 至少他够坦白,而且也没有造谣抹黑别人。





像我一开始讲的那样: 我的同事朋友中,有好几位是很… 奇怪的。



唉… 我放弃,关机。都是不要在即时通讯讲太多。

早上上班途中听 MyFM 说我猴年会有很多是非,有小人惹是非,要多向贵人不要理小人的是非。

但是齁… 还没立春嘞,现在还是羊年嘞,怎么是非已经开始了? >_<

随兴随想 |系列|

25 January 2016

Backlogs #9

This one is dated 22nd of August 2013, it's titled "Prawn Goddess".

Some colleagues really place work above everything, including meal. Like I said before, don't sacrifice your health for work, it's just not worth it.

Unlike goddesses, mere mortal has to eat.

If you value your lunch, stay away from the prawn goddess!

In this series: |1| |2| |3| |4| |5| |6| |7| |8|

23 January 2016





创作型文章超少,不是因为我不喜欢创作,其实我很喜欢,要写故事出书是我的梦想。只是我很懒,有好多故事在我脑中,但要写出来要用很多劲,情节应该怎么接啊、故事应该怎么发展啊,等等。对自己有一定的水准要求,所以它们始终还是只存在我脑中,呵呵。 =P



就是那样一个感觉我就写了这篇文章。哎哟,不错哦! =P

随兴随想 |系列|

21 January 2016

The locked folder

I was clearing one of my oldest private e-mail accounts, something I haven't been doing for many months. Good thing pretty much nobody sends me e-mail to that account anymore.

Mostly just notices from various service providers, game companies, Facebook, Blogger, and of course the inevitable spams.

After clearing the inbox, I moved the e-mails I wanted to keep to my archive folder, and that's when I noticed I have a folder called 'locked'.

Why oh why did I not just log out after clearing the inbox?

Why did I have to click and checked out that folder?

It's really a folder that should remained locked. I read a few e-mails in it and the emotional flood gate just got thrown wide open.


"Some experiences change us forever, we are never the same after." I wrote that, after saying I would have been a much different person if I didn't go through those postgraduate years. For that was the time when I finally could no longer hold on to my belief in 'truth, goodness, and beauty'. That was the time when I lost faith in human beings, and in myself.

Yes, I would have been more like my undergraduate self if it wasn't for those experiences. And yes, I think my undergraduate self is a better me.

The 'locked' folder contains the e-mail exchanges of a person who was a part of those  experiences. I wanted to say 'harrowing experiences', perhaps it's indeed an appropriate adjective, but I guess I am mature or seasoned enough now to also see them as important life lessons.

Reading a few of the e-mails in that folder brought back those memories.

And of all things, the thing that came to my mind was the promise I made about dedication if I ever published a book. The dedication in my first book, if there ever is one.

Dammit, what's wrong with me?!!?!

18 January 2016

Attempt #1, failed

I practised the song many days, really I did.

But I suppose I am just not meant to master all kind of songs, it's really the rap part of the song that I couldn't get right.

At least we had the grace to just end the song when it's apparent that we couldn't sing it right, saving from totally ruining a nice song.

Still I am disappointed. Oh well. =(

Despite drinking honey lemon for the whole week, and finished a whole can of that tangerine-lemon herbal candy that's supposed to soothe my throat, I am still coughing.


Couldn't finish most songs, just didn't have the breath. Really out of condition today, *sigh*...

But I enjoyed the session, laughter aplenty as usual, despite many people also having throat problem.

Oh, and we didn't skive, it's a replacement holiday for those of us working in Kedah today. Perfect time for a lunch time karaoke session, lower cost and less crowded.

As home finance minister has voiced many times, which I concurred, that the evening/night time karaoke session is simply too expensive, we can't justify the value for money. So I foresee I will not be having many karaoke sessions since it's difficult to get a lunch time session to happen, unless the gang decided to take leave together.

So yea, failed in our first attempt, would really like to try again, but I don't know when the second attempt will be.

15 January 2016





这样坦白直接的交流真的很爽,耶! ^_^


不知道他们最近发什么神精总要我唱歌做生日礼物… -_-








心的频道 |系列|

12 January 2016







因为我美咯。” 老婆仔又那样回我。



生活点滴 |系列|

09 January 2016

Random behaviour for January 2016

Succeeded in my December's impromptu resolution.

Maintained the daily routine of doing push-ups as well as incorporated the abdominal muscles related exercise, only missed on the last day of December, when I fell sick. I have just restarted the daily routine yesterday, taking it easy since my body has just recovered.

For January 2016, starting after I post this, my impromptu resolution is: to not post on Facebook regarding new blog entry.

Because I can.

08 January 2016






因为我美咯。” 老婆仔想都不用想的回我。


生活点滴 |系列|

06 January 2016


At the time of writing this, I am fever-free for about 16 hours straight.

For six days and six nights I had been down with fever. It's due to a bacterial infection at the throat, which might have been a follow on after a viral infection. At least that's what the doctor interpreted based on some blood test indicators. The blood test was mainly to determine if I got dengue, which I don't, phew.

Anyway, I don't function well when my body temperature is above 38 Celsius and I take medicine when it hits 39 Celsius or above. I took medicine for fever 16 times in the first five days. In the sixth day, the temperature never broke 38 Celsius so I let the body handled it.

The fourth day night was a horrible night. I don't know whether I was delirious, hallucinating, or whatever. I couldn't sleep and I kept seeing things that I have never seen before, pictures, places, faces, stuff that kept flashing by whenever I closed my eyes.

They were not terrible or horrible things really, and probably I would even appreciate them if I was not so sick and just wanted to sleep, but they kept appearing and flashing by nonstop they unsettled me.

They seemed and felt so real I kept having to open my eyes to reassure myself that I was still in my bed, but as soon as I close my eyes they returned. I felt like I was going crazy.

That was a horrible, horrible night.

Around 16:00 hours on the sixth day was when I felt more like a human again, still had fever but nothing more than 38 Celsius. As I said in the beginning, I am about 16 hours since anything above 37.5 Celsius, I am hoping the fever part is done and all I have to do now is to finish the antibiotic course and put myself together again.

Wrecked and shattered, that's how I feel now. I need some time to really recover from this.

What a way to end and start a year...