08 August 2016

Pretty like this

Late lunch out with workaholic colleagues, I guess I should be grateful that I still got to eat, better late than never, right?

A colleague friend who had an accident a couple of days ago said her jaw hurts. I asked her if the airbag had hit her in the face?

"If the airbag hit me in the face, do you think I will still be pretty like this?"

She gestured to her face while saying that.

I had to ask her again if she had said what I heard she said. She confirmed it, without a hint of modesty.

Wah lau eh! Banyak beh pai seh lo!

Really, don't know whether it's shamelessness or confidence...

As an aside, we were making light of her accident by claiming it's due to her playing Pokemon Go while driving*, as everything can be blamed on Pokemon Go until the next hot thing comes out.

Making fun of whatever is the current hot that the masses are mindlessly crazily pursuing is what people like me, who are proud of being different to the masses, like to do. I would make fun of myself too if I happened to be one of the silly people. =P

* Don't! Seriously don't. Don't be an irresponsible fool who jeopardises other** road users
** I have no qualm with fools trying to kill themselves, it helps to raise the average level of the human being's intelligence... =P 

Other |nutty nuts| category entries.


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