29 September 2015

An aeroplane a day, part nine


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All original work on this site is copyright C.K. Goh and may not be copied or reprinted without my express written approval.


In this series: |part 1| |part 2| |part 3| |part 4| |part 5| |part 6| |part 7| |part 8|
Workshop: |1| |2| |3| |4| |5| |6|


This is the creation to fulfill my September resolution.

I don't want to insult the cool and sleek Macross as well as ruin my own childhood memory so I will just say that this creation is based loosely on Macross. =P

If you don't know Macross, then Google it! it's a fighter jet that can transform into a half-jet-half-robot, and also a full robot, or mecha if you are a geek like me.

Anyway, took me a few days, but here it is.

Fighter jet mode:

The half-jet-half-robot mode:

And the full robot mode:

Not easy to build something that transform with the LEGO parts I have, I wanted to do some cooler transform mechanism but I don't have the parts that can do it.

Either that or I just lack the crazy l33t skill.

I am sticking to lacking of parts and LEGO limitation. =P

26 September 2015


Or the lack of... -_-

Anyway, needed to refer to a paper while working on the thesis today, wanted to make sure I quoted the right source.

So I went to the storage space and unearthed the box that contains my PhD stuff. Box 22, numbered for the shipment back from England all those years ago.

Appropriate enough, top most in the box are newspaper clippings of all things depression related. Yes, go figure.

The bio-degradable plastic bin bag I used to protect the PhD stuff has started its disintegration process, bits and pieces everywhere. Meh!

Anyway, found the paper I needed and got my facts right.

My supervisor suggested to remove from the thesis some of the stuff I did. It's not needed, he said, downgrading from a PhD thesis to a MPhil thesis.

I did the research in the thermal management of electric motor and the power electronics that drives the system. The work on electric motor thermal management, while not as hefty as my work on the power electronics thermal management, still was genuine hard work.

The time and effort I put in is going to amount to nothing now with the removal of everything related to electric motor in the thesis.

Just because the cooling of the electric motor is trivial compared to the cooling of the power electronics doesn't mean there's nothing to learn from it, you know?

Oh well, bollocks! I just want to get this over with.

It's with great reluctance that I completely removed a chapter, and modified the rest to expunge everything to do with electric motor thermal management.

All that time and effort to do the research and then to produce the chapter, gone.

24 September 2015

Impressed, then not

Brain is shutting down, time to sleep.

But I have to say, man, I am impressed after going through the thesis.

My thesis.

Took me hours just to go through the whole thing. Again. Since, what, a year ago?

I can hardly believe I actually produced it, that many years ago.

How did I do it?

I must have been a lot smarter then, for I honestly don't think I can produce something like that now.

And dammit why is it still not PhD worthy?


22 September 2015









呵呵,天天都是睡觉天,耶! =P

随兴随想 |系列|

18 September 2015







但是,这他妈的但是! (对不起,妈妈…)



这他妈的博士学位。 (对不起,妈妈…)




干! (对不起,妈妈…)




八年多前,导师在我交论文给他的那天,亲口对我说过:“如果你肯,凭这论文可以马上给你 MPhil 学位。”


干! (对不起,妈妈…)


我要我的 PhD!



为了不让我做研究的那几年完全枉费,我唯有接受那 MPhil 学位。



拖了多年后,连要拿那个 MPhil 学位他竟然还跟我拖。

一拖就是十个月,真的是他妈的! (对不起,妈妈…)






心的频道 |系列|

17 September 2015

Backlogs #6

This one is dated 10th of December 2013, titled "birthday card requirement".

Some people are more demanding than others.

Some people are greedier than others.

Some people are just so shameless and have such thick skin they not only take it for granted that they will be given a birthday present, they go one step further to specify what they want.

I kid you not, some people are just... ridiculous!

p/s: don't try this if you are not close to me, that you are confident that our friendship is such that I would entertain your demand and at the same time ridicule you without any bad feeling, and no love lost on both ends.

In this series:  |1| |2| |3| |4| |5|

13 September 2015

Back on Azeroth

It all started when I found out that my company recognition points can be exchanged with Amazon UK voucher, and while browsing Amazon UK games category I found this prepaid World of Warcraft game credit.

The rest is history.

I have been playing World of Warcraft shortly after it came out, the record shows February of 2005. I had a few hiatuses since. The last one being the longest so far, I last played in February of 2013.

That's more than 2.5 years ago, and if not for this recognition points thing, I probably will still be on hiatus.

Last I played I was on the Cataclysm expansion, I remember everyone else was on the Mists of Pandaria expansion then. Didn't bother me as I just got back from a hiatus, I had much to catch up with the game as Cataclysm has changed the game quite significantly.

I eventually bought the Mists of Pandaria expansion when it went on sales, that's long after my subscription has ended.

The game is now on the Warlords of Draenor expansion, so again I am one expansion behind. Blizzard has announced the next expansion recently, maybe when that's released I will get Warlords of Draenor, hehehe.

After such a long hiatus, I am starting afresh. So I won't be playing my good old high level Alliance characters, who surprisingly are still not kicked out of the guild, bless the guild master.

I will build up my Horde characters this time, I have deleted a few not so high level ones to start from scratch, enjoying the game like a newbie! ^_^

For the Horde!

09 September 2015

Six years

Six years ago, on the 9th of September 2009, my department moved to ulu place.

We have moved our office location once since then, just from one building to another, within the ulu place site.

While I am still with the same department, I have changed manager three times.

We moved to be closer to some other departments, our main customers so to speak. The major one that was said to be the main reason for the move has closed a few years back, and our main customer since then is closing by the end of the month.


Oh well.

The only constant is change.

Doesn't mean I have to like it.

Anyway, this also means that we have been playing badminton for six years now. ^_^

However, these few days, especially after purchasing the last batch of shuttlecocks, I am thinking about whether it's time to stop. The ever rising cost is one thing, the other is whether my body is still up to this.

Another thing on my mind to stop is the creation of the tiny birthday cards. I am thinking this is the last year. I just, hmm... actually I am not quite sure why.

The part-joking-part-honest quick answer is that this is not conducive to my evil reputation. Though lately I have that feeling of being taken for granted, and the feeling that I am wasting my time and effort on something people don't appreciate anyway.

Maybe it's just the depression.

Anyway, six years.

Can't say I like ulu place, but I got used to it. Driving 101km everyday is still bollocks, but I supposed it's less stressful than being stuck in the island industrial zone traffic jam.

07 September 2015


As of 19:39 hours on the 5th of September 2015, while I was doing my daily 'bump my view count' exercise, I noticed that Scribble Pad has hit a new milestone.

I want to thank myself for the dedicated daily viewing, sometimes multiple viewings, that I estimated by plucking figures out of thin air, to be contributing 94.8274% of the 50000 views.

Oh, I also want to sincerely thanks those of you who contributed to the remaining 5.1726% of the 50000 views. =P

You know who you are. ^_^

03 September 2015

Random behaviour for September 2015

Succeeded in my August's impromptu resolution. Didn't post on Facebook whenever I had a new entry. feel good +1

Those who only read my blog entry following my Facebook update would have missed out the entire month worth of gems and rubbish. By the way I don't always post on Facebook when I have a new entry.

I continued the July's resolution as well throughout August without missing a day, rather proud of myself. Unfortunately I slipped on the first day of September and forgot to do it, oh well.

Anyway, for September 2015, starting after I post this, my impromptu resolution is: to come up with at least one LEGO creation.

Because I can.

01 September 2015




(一) 他告诉我们他等我们车时尿急不敢上厕所的尴尬难堪心境。坏事做太多怕被人遗弃就是这样的啦…

(二) 他告诉我们我有很少女性朋友(唉…),但每一个都是女朋友的故事(哇~!听到吗老婆仔?有没有引以为荣?)

(三) 他告诉我们长颈鹿和麒麟的言语由来故事。说这次他特地查了「谷歌」才说的哦,要挽回他的声誉什么的。

我这平凡到「趴凌倒」的平凡人只有言简意赅的一句: 15%






好吧!明天就叫鸟神带她去看金鱼好了。 =P






心里甜甜暖暖的,嘻~ ^_^

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