27 February 2013

I'll be back (2)

In this series: |part 1|

All photos in this series are presented as photographed, unless otherwise specified, the only image manipulations done were resize, crop and adding watermark.


February theme for The Light Room, that's the group for photography enthusiasts I started early this year, is Speed.

The person who set the theme this month said Speed, not Motion, but I interpreted it as motion anyway and got my grey matter working on possible motion shots. =P

I narrowed down to three techniques to try: (1) panning, (2) rear curtain sync, and (3) zoom burst.

panning = not easy

In terms of difficulty, for me, zoom burst is the easiest, followed by rear curtain sync, and panning being the toughest.

I am only sharing 3 out of ~200 shots, imagine my failure rate =P

When the February theme was set, I still had the borrowed DSLR with me for another weekend, so I capitalised on that and spent a day testing my panning skill, and the other on rear curtain sych.

well at least I made a genuine attempt at honing my panning skill

I dropped zoom burst because it's more like induced motion effect instead of genuine motion. Might well be because I didn't really put much thought to it in the first place, probably could have tried zoom burst with moving object.

I went about my rear curtain sych shots like a still life, giving myself maximum control

Anyway, panning turned out... crap. =P

Took near to 200 shots (thank you digital!) and didn't really have any that I am really pleased with. Background, foreground, subject, composition, just don't really like them for all the panning shots, so I had to make my rear curtain sync attempts count.

I actually had a few decent shots to choose from

I ended up submitting one of my rear curtain sych shots, took me 59 shots before I am happy with what I got.

this is the final photo I selected

All original work on this site is copyright C.K. Goh and may not be copied or reprinted without my express written approval.

26 February 2013














嗯,需要穿什么 cup 啊?A?

没有 cup!

哈哈!” =P




「突然有种自身难保,很不想再在乎他人的感觉。」 -- 121016


生活点滴 |系列|

23 February 2013

Oh, you read...

Somehow, it surprises me when someone unexpected said something about what I wrote in my blog. This makes me a bit embarrassed.

I know this blog is open to the public, it's just that when a friend or colleague who had never mention a thing about knowing my blog suddenly talks about a post I made, that always catches me by surprise.

You see, I have no delusion about my reader base, it's not difficult to figure out who contributed to the five to fifteen views per day.

Obviously, myself, who usually checks the blog at least once per day, is the main contributor. =P

Then there are those rare few (near extinct =P ) who left comments with recognisable name or alias. And lastly there are those who talk and joke about my entries a few days after I posted them.

So I know roughly who among my friends and colleagues read me blog.

But once in a while I will get a surprise from someone unexpected that makes me frantically think if I have ever written something bad about that unexpected person.

Erm... ya, guilty conscience. =P

Even though I have started to use alias or nickname, the person involved most likely will still be able to recognise him or herself. Unless I am like, super vague.

Oh well, it's not like I am making things up.

Opinions excluded of course, opinions are by nature, subjective. Here's hoping whoever reads my blog is mature enough to accept opinions as just that, opinions. Everyone is entitled to have their own. =)

Anyway, this unexpected reader thing, recently I am starting to feel the same with my Facebook posts...

Is it just me?

20 February 2013









我信奉睡觉的嘛,每天都可以睡到太阳晒屁股我会很开心的。 ^_^

新年假期说要睡到像猪那样都没做到,总是有东西要做要早起,或被两个小瓜吵醒,很不爽喽。 =\

倒是吃到像猪那样就有啦,肚皮一大粒。 -_-



命贱的懒人,这样的组合真是悲。 >_<

罢!是时候收拾心情来…抱怨!哈哈! =P


19 February 2013

An aeroplane a day, part deux


LEGO is trademark or registered trademark of The LEGO Group in Denmark and/or other countries.

All original work on this site is copyright C.K. Goh and may not be copied or reprinted without my express written approval.


In this series: |part 1|


A few days ago, I posted a shameless self praising statement on my Facebook status after I created a sleek and sexy LEGO race car.

Building LEGO stuff with the kids is part of the "be a better father" resolution, which I am trying to maintain as a weekly activity. The kids will suggest the thing to build while I have to come up with the design.

The design can't be too complicated because the kids' attention span is limited, also we don't have enough LEGO pieces for three big and complicated sets. Has to be at least three sets since I have to show them, real time, how to build using one set, and the two kids build their own set each.

Anyway, after the shameless self praising, I realised I should share the photos of the race car so others can admire see my creation and praise me for my brilliant creativity.

Then I remembered a series of entries I wanted to post, but haven't got to do... (slacker point +1)

I hope you have not been holding your breath since the previous entry, I kid you not when I said slacker timeline applies. =P

After a quick check of the relevant photos taken, it's probably five more entries of this series before I get to the sleek and sexy race car, oh well. Nevermind, let me show you my other fantastic creations first, hehe! (shamelessness +1)

Enough talking, behold, my LEGO creations!

an aeroplane built from the pieces of LEGO Creator 5866

it can transform into a robot ^_^

This was done back in July 2011, probably when Transformer movie was all the rage. =P

Then three months later, I built these:

pieces from LEGO Creator 5762

a relatively easy build since very few pieces to play with

pieces from LEGO Creator 5866

more pieces to play with so a bigger plane

pieces from LEGO Creator 5764

this one is more challenging since the pieces are for robot

Remember the idea was to teach my sons about creativity, to build something from imagination without refering to any instruction manual. I showed them by example, and had fun while doing so. =D

I know eventually it's not about aeroplane anymore (sleek and sexy race car!) but I like the title, so the series will most likely continue using this title.

Teaser for next in the series: fighter jets and anti-air tanks!

13 February 2013

Random Thoughts

That adorable niece came and gone. Didn't manage to cuddle and hold her throughout the few days she was with us, darn.

Wifey, definitely the more amiable and likable of us two, so natural with kids, told me my niece let her hold the very first time they met each other.

Then she gotta rub it in, smugly holding the baby in front of me every chance she got. -_-

I want a daughter!

Being financially incapable aside, I seriously think I will spoil her rotten if I ever had a daughter. Yes I am bias and I don't care! =P

Anyway, at least my niece warmed up to me eventually and started throwing me her cute smile. ^_^


I just realised this Chinese New Year that, I haven't been giving out many ang pao since I got married, as it's done by wifey most of the time. She's the finance minister of the house after all. =)

This year, after expressing that I would like to give the kids ang pao too, she thoughtfully divided the amount we wanted to give into two packets, so I got to physically give them as well. She also started to pass me ang pao to give to others instead of giving them herself.

Thanks wifey, you are the best! ^_^


My piggifying mission is not going too well, so far I only had what I called a "lazy day" once. And that's because I had a minor flu and wasn't feeling well, hence the lie-in.

I have been eating more than usual though, bigger portion on regular meals and then snack in between. And there has been no badminton session.

All this chubbifying is putting me in danger of actually having a distinctive waistline instead of my usual non-existing waistline. A bulging tummy is a distinctive waistline!

Waistline does not exist in my straight and flat body shape (rectangle is a shape!), in case you are wondering. Just think of SpongeBob SquarePants and you will get it. What waistline? =P

My six, er... maybe four packs are merging into one! >_<

I am supposed to piggify more than chubbify this Chinese New Year, not the other way round...


Wifey is upgrading to Galaxy S III, meaning I can use the iPhone 3GS then.

Do I want to?

Can't bring a camera phone into the production floor or the lab, which is where I spend most of my working hours at.

I really just need a mobile phone for the phone function, and I hardly use that as it is. Okay, and SMS.

Do I really want all those other stuff that lead to people being apart, lost in their respective phone, when they actually sit next to each other?

That phenomenon irks me, and I don't want to be a part of it. When I took the trouble to go meet up and socialise (*gasp!*), I intend to do just that, thank you very much.

I guess the real question is: am I smart enough to use a smartphone? =P

11 February 2013


















心的频道 |系列|

09 February 2013

Happy Snake Year

Happy Chinese New Year everyone!

It's the year of the (water) snake this year.

According to Chinese Astrology, I will be facing many rough patches this year and will need the assistance of Noble People.

So here's hoping all the kindness and nice things I have done would have gotten me some good karma and send many Noble People my way.

I am really not that evil... =P


Mission: Piggify & Chubbify

Mission to piggify and chubbify myself started yesterday, basically sleep and eat, and sleep some more throughout the Chinese New Year holiday. I am taking a long leave. ^_^

Well, didn't go off to a good start (but I am not really complaining).

First a d'oh moment when the alarm clock woke me up at 07:00 hours yesterday because I set it wrongly, supposed to set it to 09:00 hours. Yea, d'oh!

Then despite being on leave, I attended and presented my findings in the 09:00 hours task force meeting. At least the chairperson was appreciative and commented on my dedication. (slacker point -1, feel good +1)

Off to have my car serviced after the meeting, only it's a tad late by the time I left home. Never one who likes to be late, I changed plan and headed straight to the lunch meet location first. Got the cheque banked in and the letter posted and still was early for the lunch, fantastic!

Lunch with 13 colleagues, some of them friends by now, was an enjoyable event. Not only did I took a positive step in chubbifying myself, also recruited a new member to the photography group. I am also going to chalk this up as socialising +1. =)

After goodbyes I went to pick up a book in the mall and headed to service my car. Started reading the book while waiting for the mechanic to do his stuff, only paused to check when fresh engine oil was added to make sure he gave me the real fully synthetic oil.

Pretty much done with what I set out to do after the car service so I headed home, thinking to give the car another wash. The car wash didn't happen, I went and soaked myself in the pool instead.

With the kids, a not-too-happy-in-the-pool niece, brother, and sister-in-law, that is. ^_^

Then chubbified myself at dinner and settled the kid to bed. Made brother and sister-in-law played board game with me after that, hehe. =P (geek +1)

A happening and satisfying day really, just didn't do very well on the piggifying myself front. =P

05 February 2013


昨晚网上才读到立春不一定是阳历二月四日,也可能会落在二月三或五日,什么二十四节气第一個节气,什么太阳到达黄经315度的。 -_-





朋友劝说不要太迷信,信则有不信则无。(不要担心啦,我和老婆仔妥协没事了,恩爱非常。 ^_^)







欺骗我的感情… =P

03 February 2013

Gotta slack more

Another happening weekend, this is seriously damaging my slacker extraordinaire reputation!


Woke up tired yesterday but went out for lunch to celebrate mom's birthday. Returned home for the song and cake, it's already late afternoon by the time we tidied up.

Then, genuine attempt at trying to capture a particular portrait I have in mind, but I gave up in frustration eventually as we had already missed the ideal lighting time, and couldn't achieve the effect I was trying for anyway. Model getting sleepy and the little monsters bugging all the while didn't help.


Switched gear and went to do some panning shots. "Some" ended up more like 200 shots, not too happy with the results but the sun has set and it's dinner time.

Tried to set up for a rear curtain sync shot after dinner but found that, of all things, I was lacking a piece of black paper.

Saturday didn't go too well for my photography attempts, though the home baked cheese cake was a success according to wifey. I wouldn't know as I am lactose intolerance.

Today turned out to be more fruitful. Didn't wake up tired, that's always a good start! =)

Lunch with colleagues from The States in Straits Quay, my goodness, I am socialising! That's just... abnormal. 0_o

A leisurely lunch followed by a visit to Borders and then Chocolate Passion. Neither of the shop owners were in, so couldn't tell them about the sea salt chocolate the colleagues are so into.

Parted ways with wifey and kids after Straits Quay and brought the colleagues to Tesco and then to Prangin Mall, looking for umbrellas of all things! Here's a public service, forget supermarket or shops in a mall, go to the pharmacy if you want to get umbrella, sheesh!

It's already evening by the time I dropped them off at their hotel and got home. Mrs Chan called and said she will come over to pick up the camera after dinner. So I quickly set up using the Tesco bought black paper and fired away, after 59 shots I think I have bagged the rear curtain sync shot.

February theme for the photography group is 'Speed', hence the panning and the rear curtain sync attempts. ^_^

Well, I have just returned the DSLR, so one of either the panning or the rear curtain sync shots will have to do.

Anyway, way too happening these few weekends, if I am not careful I am gonna lose my slacker extraordinaire status. Gotta slack more!